Research Group of Professor Wang Yuan Makes New Progress in the Research on the Plan of Mitigating Climate Change and Reducing Carbon Emission


The plan of mitigating climate change and reducing carbon emission is a key field in the research on carbon dioxide (CO2) peaking and carbon neutrality. This plan aims at seeking the ways to reduce greenhouse gas emission and to address the effect of climate change.

The research, entitled “Can China Achieve Its 2030 and 2060 CO2 Commitments? Scenario Analysis Based on the Integration of LEAP Model with LMDI Decomposition”, was published in Science of The Total Environment, the classic journal in earth sciences, environmental sciences, and ecology, by the innovative research group of environmental economic geography and addressing climate change in School of Geographical Sciences and School of Carbon Neutrality Future Technology of FNU.

FNU is the first organization and corresponding author’s unit of the research, with Professor Wang Yuan in FNU as the corresponding author. In the research, Huang Yimin, a doctoral candidate of human geography, is the first author of the paper, with co-researchers in Nanjing University, Johns Hopkins University, and other units. This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province and the Social Foundation of Fujian Province. 

Paper link:

(Translated by Bai Yunfei/Reviewed by Chen Fang)
