FNU Gives a Warm Send-off for Recruits in 2020


A send-off for recruits was held on Qishan Campus on the afternoon of September 9, and the attendees included Li Xuan, Deputy Secretary of the FNU Party Committee, heads of the General Office of FNU, Department of Publicity, Student Affairs Office, Armed Forces Department, Teaching Affairs Office, heads of the Colleges where the recruits study, and all the recruits as well.

At the meeting, the head of the Student Affairs Office announced the names of the students recruited in 2020, and the head of Armed Forces Department briefed the enlistment of this year. Then, on behalf of the recruits, Chen Shengjie, first expressed his determination and confidence in defending the country and his gratitude to FNU and teachers. After that, he led the recruits to take the oath.

On behalf of FNU, Li Xuan congratulated the recruits. In order to help them to adapt to their new roles, Li Xuan delivered a speech to urge them to strive for the first-class achievements and win honor for themselves and FNU by keeping in mind their duties, drilling military skills diligently and developing fine style of work. At the end of the meeting, Li Xuan awarded the recruits subsidies.

(Translated by Qiu Sisong  Reviewed by Chen Fang)
