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学术讲座【Efficient Common Prefix Search on Encrypted Data as an Additional Service in Cloud Storage】




主讲:台湾清华大学   孙宏民教授


专家简介:孙宏民,教授,著名信息安全学者,1995年获得台湾新竹交通大学资讯工程系博士学位,专精于密码学与网络安全之研究,其研究成果发表于国际知名期刊及会议论文超过200余篇。孙宏民教授研究经历丰富,曾任台湾成功大学副教授、台湾清华大学副教授及教授、新西兰奥克兰大学访问学者。孙宏民教授曾担任多届台湾信息安全学会理事,现为台湾信息安全学会常务理事暨产学合作委员会主任委员。孙教授亦担任许多国际期刊编辑及国际会议议程委员,同时获得许多国内外学术奖项,包括第八届“有庠科技论文奖”、中国电机工程学会2014年“杰出电机工程教授奖”、 台湾清华大学电资院第一等级(电资院前4%)“教师学术卓越奖励”(2000年,2003年,2004年)、2015 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services: Outstanding Research Award,以及许多最佳论文奖,积极参与推动国际学术交流及服务工作。

报告摘要:Company data are very often outsourced to cloud service providers in order to lower costs of maintaining hardware. If the outsourced data are to be kept secure from a third party, the connection between the cloud service provider and the company could be secured by a protocol similar to SSL. This, however, requires that the data is stored at the cloud service provider in plaintext form, meaning the company has to trust the cloud service provider and its administrators in order to perform search on the outsourced data. Alternatively, the data themselves could be encrypted, however, the outputs of typical cryptographic algorithms are not amenable to search. For example, if a client wishes to retrieve only documents containing certain words, it was not previously known how to let the data storage server perform the search and answer the query without loss of data confidentiality. By the advantage of our cryptography scheme a query generated at the client-side, is transformed into a representation so that it can be evaluated directly on encrypted data at the cloud storage server. The results might be processed by the client after decryption to determine the final answers. Additionally, we introduce an efficient common prefix keyword search which makes the scheme more tolerant of minor typos and format inconsistencies when exact keyword matching fails.

